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    2024年09月20日 09:03

王颖20226月毕业于东北财经大学,获经济学博士学位。近年来在Applied Mathematical Modelling, Expert Systems with ApplicationsJournal of Cleaner ProductionEnergy,Journal of forecasting等期刊发表多篇学术论文,指导本科生队伍参加第九届全国大学生统计建模大赛全国总决赛获得一等奖1项,2022年美国大学生数学建模比赛获一等奖1项。长期担任IEEE AccessEnergy等期刊的匿名审稿人。







3. 海南省自然科学基金项目:基于多目标智能优化算法的区间型碳交易价格预测研究,2024-2027,在研。



[1] Chen X, Wang Y*, Zhang H, Wang J. A novel hybrid forecasting model with feature selection and deep learning for wind speed research [J]. Journal of forecasting, 2024, 43:5(SSCI:Q1,IF:3.400).

[2] Wang Y*, Wang Y, Shahbaz Muhammad. How does digital economy affect energy poverty? Analysis from the global perspective [J]. Energy, 2023, 282:128692 SCI:Q1, IF: 8. 857).

[3] Wang J, Wang Y*, Li H, Yang H, Li Z. Ensemble forecasting system based on

decomposition-selection-optimization for point and interval carbon price prediction[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 113:262-286SCI:Q1, IF: 5.000).

[4] Wang J, Wang Y*, Li Z, Li H, Yang H. Design of a combined system based on multi-objective optimization for point and interval forecasting of air pollution [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022,191:116345SCI:Q1, IF: 8.665).

[5] Wang Y, Wang J*, Li Z, Yang H, Li H. Design of a combined system based on two-stage data preprocessing and multi-objective optimization for wind speed prediction [J]. Energy, 2021,231:121125SCI:Q1, IF: 8.857).

[6] Wang Y, Wang J*, Li Z. A novel hybrid air quality early-warning system based on phase-space reconstruction and multi-objective optimization: A case study in China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020:260SCI:Q1, IF:11.072).

[7] Wang J, Wang Y*, Li Z, Li H, Yang H. A combined framework based on data preprocessing, neural networks and multi-tracker optimizer for wind speed prediction [J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 40:100757SCI:Q1, IF:7.632).

[8] 王勇, 王颖. 中国实现碳减排双控目标的可行性及最优路径——能源结构优化的视角 [J],中国环境科学2019, 39(10).

[9] Wang Y, Shang P*, He L, Zhang Y, Liu D. Can China achieve the 2020 and 2030 carbon intensity targets through energy structure adjustment? [J]. Energies, 2018, 11(10):1-32SCI:Q3, IF:3.252).

[10] Li H, Wang J, Yang H, Wang Y. Air quality deterministic and probabilistic forecasting system based on hesitant fuzzy sets and nonlinear robust outlier correction [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 237: 107789SCI:Q1, IF:8.139).

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